Business Unit Strategy

Defining the path to sustainable advantage for a specific business unit requires making proprietary decisions on where to play and how to win. We help clients design, test, refine, and implement their strategies, ensuring they will beat the market. The goal is to drive a business to full economic potential by addressing below challenges:
  • Positioning in relation to competitors
  • Enhancing our relative advantage
  • Learning from customers today to better compete tomorrow
  • Positioning with specific moves for a greater success
  • Assessing our current business for the future


We offer extensive experience in delivering a tailor-made solution for each client by:

  • Understanding and overcoming the drivers of declining business performance
  • Developing a strategic response to moves by traditional or emerging competitors
  • Understanding future risks and their implications for strategy
  • Targeting a large and growing profit pool
  • Focusing on the customer and developing "hidden" and untapped customer assets
  • Planning for the launch of a new business
  • Business model innovation and new-business building
  • Devising a path to achieve leadership economics

Corporate Strategy


As executives and government leaders assess strategy in an increasingly globalized, volatile marketplace, most are finding that the same critical success factors abide: strong leadership, the ability to understand and respond to shifts in the environment, a robust pipeline of growth initiatives, a focus on continuous improvement and an agile operating model. We help executives carefully think through possibilities, assess and manage risk, and ultimately select the strategic direction with the strongest stakeholder value potential through addressing below challenges:

  • Managing the portfolio for long-term sustainable value creation
  • Assessing the corporate portfolio of business units and developing strategies to maximize advantage and growth
  • Businesses to choose for creating cash
  • Differentiating goals, metrics, and incentives across the portfolio
  • Defining our strengths and weaknesses of our core and non-core operations
  • Enabling the businesses we have to outperform their competition
  • Creating a robust corporate strategy that provides direction and coherence to a company’s business strategies


  • Partnering with our clients to create practical portfolios that deliver tangible value
  • Building a compelling vision and set of concrete financial objectives that are embraced by key stakeholders
  • Focusing on creating a portfolio of leadership positions to generate superior returns and move to more attractive markets over time
  • Determining portfolio priorities by assessing competitive position, leadership potential, market attractiveness and economic profit
  • Using portfolio priorities to drive differential resource allocation and differential targets across business units
  • Striving for system repeatability, which creates competitive advantage from learning-curve effects gained through repetition, reduced complexity by adapting a known pattern and faster and more reliable decision making on investments
  • Managing a conservative capital structure to support growth and provide flexibility
  • Analyzing the structure and dynamics of each of the relevant markets, prioritizing them, and then establishing the potential returns in each market. By reallocating resources according to the potential returns of market, companies expect more than double their return on investment.
  • Helping our customers defining their long-term strategy, exploring new areas to enter and optimizing across their existing businesses. To improve their ability to translate the strategy into execution, we overhaul the strategic planning process.
  • Helping our clients develop the best answers for their own particular circumstances. We bring a unique approach that integrates deep foresight on the industries that are most relevant to our clients and keen insight on the distinctive capabilities they have and need to have in order to win as a company. The result provides direction and coherence to the policy decisions that corporate leaders make every day about resource allocation, M&A, restructuring, corporate goals, role of the corporate center, and even the role and purpose of the company itself.

Growth Strategy

We help companies identify where to compete and support them as they design and execute strategies to capture those growth opportunities by various approaches:
  • By defining and focusing on profitable core business areas, we help companies focus on sustanaible and profitable growth in terms of revenue, cash flow and shareholder value.
  • We partner with our clients to find their differentiated and strategic capabilities and most critical product and service offerings.
  • A focused growth strategy helps senior managers locate and expand the strongest assets of their core businesses.
  • When core business's true capabilities are defined, we help clients rank new opportunities based on market strength and revenue potential

After helping companies identify where to compete, we support them as they execute their growth strategies. We help our clients define the capabilities they must build to win, create business plans, allocate resources, mobilize talent, and track their progress. We help our clients reach sustainable growth levels by:
  • Renewing company strategy and capabilities by finding undervalued, unrecognized or underutilized assets that can serve as new platforms for sustainable growth
  • Renewing their core. We help such firms find successful platforms, often within their own businesses, along with new customer insights and capabilities to renew their business model.
  • Optimizing for cost and revenue opportunities
  • Looking for new sources of revenues, or adjacencies, via new distribution channels, customer segments or geographies
  • Seeking nearby adjacencies to expand the core
  • Determining accurately which adjacent businesses will add the most growth and value
  • Assuring management execution by jointly developing and prioritizing growth strategies

Innovation Strategy


We help clients develop the creative discipline to produce breakthrough ideas that are supported by economically viable business models and superior execution capabilities. Our approach combines hard data with creativity, helping our clients accelerate the innovation process and move from a big idea to a commercial offering—in the form of new products, services, processes, or even business models—quickly and cost-effectively while minimizing risk. We support clients as they develop a clear innovation strategy that meets their business-growth targets and strategic objectives. We do this by helping clients set financial targets related to innovation, define metrics to measure performance, and identify strategic areas on which to focus investments. Our expert consultant team works with clients to combine creative and analytic approaches to transform innovation for new product development and across the full customer experience.


Leadership strategy that successfully couples creative talents and management skills provide a permanent value producing innovative culture by ensuring:

  • Awareness of strengths and weaknesses. Partners realisticlally asess what they do well adn where they need help.
  • Complementary cognitive skills. Partners seek those who balance their own working styles and decision-making approaches.
  • Trust. Partners trust each other and are willing to put each other's interests ahead of their own.
  • Raw intelligence. Partners bring insightful observations and good judgment to the team's decisions.
  • Relevant knowledge. Partners bring experience that applies directly to the challenges they face.
  • Strong communication channels. Partners speak to each other frequently and directly.
  • Motivation. Partners are highly committed to the success of the business and each

Strategic Planning – Strategic Management

Strategy is a living and evolving thing. Efficiently executed strategic planning, resource allocation, performance management practices and evolving strategies create practicle strategic management. We help organizations improve their strategic planning processes and overcome the barriers preventing them from reallocating resources effectively. We help our clients in their strategic planning, resource allocation and performance management processes by fine-tuning, supplementing, or entirely redesigning planning approaches for greater effectiveness and agility and tighter linkages with business and financial plans by addressing below challenges:
  • Generating the best creative insights that lead to competitive advantage
  • Increasing agility and preparedness in the face of a volatile environment
  • Translate strategic vision into corporate plans and annual budgets
  • Fostering alignment to ensure our strategy is transformed into action
  • Defining processes that will achieve objectives most efficiently


To help our clients review and entirely redesign, fine-tune, or supplement their planning, we focus on strategic planning with below approaches:
  • Creating tailor-made solutions for each client
  • Achieving and sustaining competitive advantage through insight and agility
  • Using industry’s best practices
  • Balancing creativity with rigor
  • Focusing on integrating plans with financial results
We undertake specific paths to create a valuable results:
  • Strategic-planning-process audit and redesign
  • Planning and budgeting for portfolios of business investments
  • Workshops on megatrends, scenario planning, or creativity to inject fresh perspectives into existing processes

Reputation, Government & Regulatory Strategy

In a progressively more complex regulatory environment, many industries i.e. banking, telecom, transport, and energy face an increasing level of regulation that often puts 30 to 50 percent of EBITDA at stake. We help clients organize, set priorities, and mobilize to work collaboratively with government bodies, lobbying groups and regulators. We partner with our clients to quickly identify and understand the key regulatory issues that may affect their industry, leveraging in-depth understanding of the profit pools in the industry as well as unique insights into the levers that government and regulators might consider implementing in their sector. Our consulting activities in the public sector cover a broad range of strategy and policy setting topics, including:
  • Implications of national economic development plans
  • Policy planning and reforms in education, labor, health and social welfare
  • Sector outlook planning to improve the competitiveness
  • Development of special economic zones
  • Design of fiscal reforms, such as tax, customs and subsidies reforms
  • Development of plans to increase efficiency and effectiveness of government funding across all areas